New volunteers for new experiences
REALIZACE: 1st September 2020 – 31st August 2021
Number: 2020-2-CZ01-ESC11-078717
Location: Havířov, Czech Republic
V rámci projektu New volunteers for new experience jsme přijali na roční dobrovolnickou službu zahraničního dobrovolníka z Polska. Aktivně ho zapojujeme do přípravy projektových žádostí, chodu coworkingového centra a snažíme se mu pomoci vytvořit jeho vlastní solidární projekt, který bude moci aplikovat v Polsku.
Pokud by měl někdo z řad mladých lidí zájem získat více informací o možnostech Evropské dobrovolné služby, můžete se na nás obrátit.
Celý projekt je finančně podpořen Evropským sborem solidarity.

Emilian H. Wilk
“First of all, I learned the principles of cooperation in non-governmental organizations. Cooperation with the Center was a very positive experience. I learned there that ideas from a deep worldview can turn out to be a profitable business for young people. While working at the Center, helping such people come to the market, I met many enterprising young people for whom the responsibility of their companies for the environment and society is the basis of functioning. This made me believe anew that the values I hold dear make sense.
I experienced a lot of kindness from people around me. Both other volunteers and the Center’s co-workers have shown me that they share common interests and goals at work. This is a very important support when problems arise.
I learned how to write projects effectively. So far I have not been able to achieve all my goals. I have learned how to divide big intentions into smaller goals. I learned that social projects, especially non-profit ones, require not only good organization, but above all flexibility to changing conditions of their implementation.
I have also improved my language skills, especially in Czech. I can express simple thoughts in this language.
I would like to learn more about the organization of project work, but above all, about communication practice in teamwork.”